
Online Training Programs

Solanzh Construction and Trading offers a diverse range of online training programs designed to equip learners with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in various engineering disciplines. Our Civil Engineering program delves into structural analysis, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, and water resources. The Construction Management course covers essential aspects of project planning, cost estimation, quality control, and safety management. Explore the Mechanical Engineering curriculum, which includes thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, materials science, and machine design. Our Electrical Engineering program offers expertise in circuit analysis, power systems, electronics, and control systems. Lastly, the Architectural Engineering course focuses on architectural design principles, building materials, and sustainable construction practices. Dive into these comprehensive programs and elevate your engineering expertise from anywhere, anytime.

Specialized Courses

Solanzh Construction and Trading offers specialized online courses catering to specific areas within the construction and engineering industries. Our Green Building and Sustainability course focuses on eco-friendly construction techniques and sustainable building practices, ensuring learners understand the importance of environmental considerations in modern construction projects. The Health and Safety in Construction course equips participants with the best practices for maintaining safety standards and preventing accidents on construction sites, fostering a culture of safety within the industry. Additionally, our Software Training program allows participants to master essential engineering and construction software tools, including AutoCAD, Revit, SAP2000, and Primavera P6. Whether you’re looking to enhance your knowledge of sustainable construction, or develop proficiency in industry-standard software, our specialized courses provide the expertise you need to excel in your field.

Certification Programs

Solanzh Construction and Trading offers certification programs designed to validate the skills and expertise of professionals in the engineering and construction fields. Our industry-recognized certifications not only enhance your credibility but also boost your career prospects in the competitive job market. Tailored to meet the demands of the Zambian construction industry while aligning with global standards, our certification programs ensure that participants are equipped with the knowledge and competencies required to excel in their respective roles. Whether you’re seeking to advance your career or enter the workforce with a competitive edge, our programs provide the necessary validation to support your professional growth journey.

Webinars and Workshops

Solanzh Construction and Trading hosts live webinars and interactive workshops, providing participants with valuable insights into the latest trends and innovations in the engineering and construction industries. Led by industry experts, these sessions offer a platform for engaging discussions and Q&A sessions, allowing participants to deepen their understanding of complex topics and stay updated on the rapidly evolving landscape of engineering and construction. Whether you’re looking to expand your knowledge base, network with industry professionals, or stay informed about emerging trends, our webinars and workshops provide the perfect opportunity to enhance your expertise and stay ahead in your field.